Former Pro Golfer to Help Children of Fallen Heroes
Monday, August 8:
Boomer JM Busuttil plays over 10 rounds of golf in 14 hours!
Alongside 3 other local PGA golf pros, JM will compete in the Lowcountry Golf Marathon to raise funds for Folds of Honor: a nationwide organization that provides educational scholarships to spouses and children of America's fallen and disabled service-members.
In 2021 her team alone raised over $60,000 which put them in the top 1% for all Folds of Honor fundraisers nationwide
Congrats JM & Team for raising $62,592 total this year!
Donate directly to
JM sends a BOOM-sized Shout Out to the Boomer volunteers without whom this day would not be possible!
Adam Berns (pictured here) Dotty Bell, Ashley Parker, Joe Moellering, Matt Beattie, Adriaan Zimmerman help from dawn to dusk - teeing up shots, measuring distances to the hole, picking up tees, fixing ball marks, keeping score, playing DJ, and most of all keeping JM upbeat and fired up for 14 hours of non stop golf!
The Official Weather Partner for the Lowcountry Golf Marathon 2022
@chswx Meteorologist & Boomer Jared Smith!
The Official Tattoo for the Lowcountry Golf Marathon 2022
(Right Arm) Designed by Boomer Josh Campbell!
The Official Tattoo for the Lowcountry Golf Marathon 2022
(Left Arm) Designed by Boomer Josh Campbell!
Press release (for the radio ad) by Boomer Lee Bressan & Logo for 2023 Lowcountry Golf Marathon website By Boomer Erinn Farley!
Thanks to all the Boomers who are helping to take this effort to the next level in Creating Amazing Experiences!